Norway: The Land of Majestic Fjords, Beautiful People, and Beers That Cost More Than My Fish & Chips. (PART II)

The last time we spoke, I introduced you to the first day of the 2017 Norwegian Experience™. Given that it was my longest post yet, you likely expected an in-depth journey that encompassed my entire trip and you'd never have to return to the shadows of my blog again. I don't apologize for misleading you. As I'm sure you'll admit, you were left wanting and waiting for the continuation of the potential epic trilogy of posts that are only bested by J.R.R Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings in terms of greatness. Many fortnights have passed and it's time to continue the story. Go grab yourself some food and a cup of tea because part 2 starts NOW.

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Accepted Into The Maine Photography Show!

I got accepted into the Maine Photography Show!! Only 123 of 1033 photos were selected for display at Boothbay Region Art Foundation Gallery in Boothbay Harbor, Maine. My image below, titled "Lakehouse" was accepted into the Remnants category. Funny story about the title... I named it a while ago after a song by my favorite band, Of Monsters and Men, but I've since realized that the house is actually on a fjord. Oh well.

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Norway: The Land of Majestic Fjords, Beautiful People, and Beers That Cost More Than My Fish & Chips.

It has been a gorgeous past few days here in the Northeast. After a two-week deep freeze stacked with days in the negative teens, we've finally been welcomed with Spring in New England -- three days in the middle of January. As you can imagine, this sort of weather has awoken people from their state of hibernation and sent them out into nature where happiness and fun has blossomed like May flowers. I am not one of those people. Instead of enjoying the warmest days out of the next several months, I've laid in bed for 48 hours now with the flu. This foul beast has struck me at the most inopportune of time. Nevertheless, I've decided to put my small amount of remaining energy in my bones into crafting one of the Norway posts that I mentioned would happen a week or so after my last post.... back in September :). I promise that I'm not trying to do this! I just get busy with other life things. Oh and I went to Hawaii in November... so that's going to need a post in itself.

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I officially did it.

I managed to ignore posting for exactly 272 days -- just as a drew it up. I had considered pushing the blogging back another hundred or so days, but something about a nice round number like 272 really prompted me to sit down and type something up. Believe it or not, I was also just eating a bowl of frosted flakes and I thought that blogging was the perfect complement.

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Travel Advice

So a lot has happened in the two months since I last posted. In case you haven't figured it out yet, I like to keep people guessing about my whereabouts and general existence. You probably thought that I hadn't posted a blog entry in a while because I've been very busy with the holidays and other time-consuming life things. Well – you are completely and utterly wrong about that. In reality, I purposely did not post for exactly 58 days because I knew that it was the extreme limitation on the spectrum of concern. Waiting a 59th day would certainly have led to inquiries and panicked phone calls on my whereabouts.. 57 days would have been too soon and you would not have missed me yet.

So what have I been doing these last 58 days?

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